Conrad Mbewe (ZM)

Tim Savage (UK)

With worship lead by Fillip Larsson

Worship music lead by Filip Larsson! Come ready for a unique time of musical worship!

Carl Jan Christian Roth (SE/DK)

Johnny Lithell (SE)

TGC Nordic presents TGCN2023!

Do you ever feel like the world has all the fun, while the church is a place for saying no? Is the gospel a command to suppress our joy? How the desires we have, match with the design we were made for?

Come to TGCN 2023 to hear how the Psalms, prophets and ultimately the gospel, invite us to bring this tension together, and rejoice in the Lord. This will not just be another hyped up conference, but an invitation from the newly established leadership of TGC Nordic to take the Gospel-centered theology of their pulpits into the pews of their churches. There will be important times of conversation, leaders' fellowship, and exposition of God’s word.

With conference bookshop curated by 10ofthose! Come with an extra bag to bring home great resources. Those who do not have a ticket to conference are still welcome to come peruse the book shop.




Luntmakargatan 82,

113 51 Stockholm, Sweden

We are pleased to share that there will be a children’s program during the sessions, please indicate names and age of children you are bringing via event brite registration form.

Seminar speakers including:

  • Joseph and Ursula Morell - Pastor and his wife of Calvary Stockholm and leader of Stockholm biblical counseling training hub

  • Phil Whittall - Pastor at Grace Church Stockholm

  • Dr. Greg Strand - credentialing director of EFCA denomination in Minnesota

  • Mikko Sivonen - Academic dean of Agricola Theological Seminary and TGCN council member

  • Arni Zachariessen - Elder of Filadelfia church in the Faroe Islands and TGCN council member

  • Hannah Fryxelius - Podcast host of “Fatta Tro” and childrens leader in Rosenius Lutheran Church in Stockholm, and engaged in the pro life org “Livsval”

  • Carl Jan Christian Roth - TGC Nordic leader and pastor in Copenhagen

  • Tobias Haslund-Thomsen - Pastor in Haven Church Aarhus and TGCN Council Member

Note: for those who are able to participate partially in the conference, discounts are available, email the conference director Allie Crumley at to request a discount.